Project sections
Behind biases and bubbles: structural changes in global flux
Leader: Mika Maliranta, ETLA
We examine how political values and voting behaviour have changed in different parts of Finland over the last 25 years of economic restructuring and urbanisation.

Mika Maliranta
Workpackage leader
applied empirical research, productivity, economic growth
+358 50 369 8054

Paolo Fornaro
Quantitative research, Productivity analysis, Electoral behaviour, Forecasting and nowcasting

Timo Kauppinen
quantitative research, inequality, regional disparities

Antti Kaihovaara
surveys, skills-focused technological change, structural change in the economy
+358 41 507 6885

Sakari Saaritsa

Maria Vaalavuo
register data, income inequality, use of social and healthcare services
Mapping biases and bubbles in citizen participation
Leader: Hanna Wass, Helsingin yliopisto
We map which citizen groups encounter participatory biases that prevent their voices from being heard. We also aim to discover whether citizens live their lives in bubbles where their views are hidden from broader society.

Hanna Wass
Työpaketin vetäjä
quantitative research, stakeholder networking, science communications
+358 50 336 3512

Marko Elovainio
psychosocial health risks, political feelings & feelings in politics

Elisabeth Gidengil
McGill University

Veikko Isotalo
electoral research, computational social science

Markku Harrinvirta
Helsingin Yliopisto

Hannu Lahtinen
political participation, societal stratification, survey and register data
+358 29 412 4911

Johanna Peltoniemi
Helsingin Yliopisto

Josefina Sipinen
Tampereen Yliopisto
Feeling biases and bubbles: deep stories
Leader: Anu Kantola, Helsingin yliopisto
We examine how different groups experience both politics and each other, and how emotions affect citizens’ political participation through different channels.

Anu Kantola
Work package leader
political science, media and communication studies, qualitative methods

Kaarina Nikunen
Work package leader
changing media environment, cultures of participation, refugees and migration, emotions economics and solidarity
+358 40 190 4094

Veikko Eranti
relations of technology and societal development, qualitative research, participation
+358 50 369 5129

Anu Harju

Lotta Junnilainen
inequality studies, urban studies, qualitative research
+358 40 847 6416

Eeva Luhtakallio
political sociology, ethnography, citizenship
+358 40 503 1573

Pekka Tuominen
social and cultural anthropology, urban research, ethnography
+358 50 337 6765

Roosa Tuukkanen
political sociology, citizenship, inequality, qualitative research
+358 40 765 2292
Power in the bubble: political elites in flux
Leader: Markku Jokisipilä, Turun yliopisto
We compare elites’ capacities, interests, and views of other societal groups among the Nordic countries.

Markku Jokisipilä
Work package leader
Finnish political history, societal interactions, history of nationalist socialism

Kimmo Elo

Jenni Rinne
political representation, deliberative democratic theory, elite interviews
+358 400 457 580
+45 2897 5740
Biases in outcomes? Responsiveness of Nordic welfare policies
Leader: Heikki Hiilamo, Helsingin yliopisto
We examine whose voice is heard in political decision-making – whose goals make their way into policy.

Heikki Hiilamo

Kathrin Komp

Paula Saikkonen
environmental social policy, research on knowledge in decision-making
+358 29 524 8133

Tuomas Ylä-Anttila
civil society, globalization, climate policy, voting advice application data

Matti Ylönen
political economy, consultant democracy
+358 40 723 1118

Timo Rahkonen
Beyond biases and bubbles: future policies for a resilient Nordic model
Leader: Pasi Moisio, THL
We examine how the Nordic welfare model could be reformed to guarantee equal opportunities for citizens’ well-being and participation in the future.

Pasi Moisio
Work package leaser
poverty, social security, social policy
+358 29 524 7228

Paula Saikkonen
environmental social policy, research on knowledge in decision-making
+358 29 524 8133
Democracy Accelerator
Leader: Tanja Aitamurto, Stanford University & Aleksi Neuvonen, Demos Helsinki
Democracy Accelerator's website
We develop and test different solutions for reducing participatory biases and bursting bubbles, and planting the best of these into Finnish society.

Tanja Aitamurto
Work package leader
media innovations, democracy, collective intelligence, virtual reality

Julia Jousilahti

Mikko Hautakangas
mediation, virtual communities, journalism
+358 40 190 1363

Kaarina Nikunen
changing media environment, cultures of participation, refugees and migration, emotions economics and solidarity
+358 40 190 4094

Mikko Rask
co-creation, deliberative theory, participative methods
+358 50 322 2012

Isak Vento
European Union, governance reforms, policy evaluation
+358 40 542 0293