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BIBU Talk 2nd of May

European Elections in Flux


Thursday May 2 2019 4 pm
Tiedekulma, Fönsteri (Yliopistokatu 4)

The 2019 elections to the European Parliament are unusual for the suspense and tension associated with them. European elections are often low intensity, low information elections. Not this time!

The 2019 elections to the European Parliament are unusual for the suspense and tension associated with them. European elections are often low intensity, low information elections. Not this time!

Just weeks out from the election, Brexit remains unresolved and continues to dominate the EU agenda. Populist parties of the left and right are expected to make significant gains and importantly, may engage in unprecedented cooperation across the ideological spectrum, challenging established power relations. Concern is widespread that there is an increased risk of both physical and digital electoral harassment, from inside and outside EU states.

The rise of nativism and nationalism are clear to see in opinion polls and support levels for populist parties, European Parliament elections are usually contested on the basis of domestic politics, yet transnational issues like climate change and migration are more vital than ever. But it is unlikely that EU collaboration on these issues will emerge in the course of the upcoming campaign.

There are many big questions on the horizon: How will EU democratic structures perform in these challenging conditions? Can voters still trust the integrity and fairness of elections? What kind of electoral surprises could be expected?

In the forthcoming BIBU Talk, Dr. Theresa Reidy will address these issues based on her extensive academic research and practical experience from monitoring electoral integrity. Reidy's speech will be followed by comments from Professor in Practice Jarno Limnell (Aalto University) who is specialized in cyber security and democratic harassment. The Talk will be chaired by Professor in political science and BIBU work package leader Hanna Wass (University of Helsinki).

Dr. Theresa Reidy is a political scientist and an editor of the International Political Science Review in the Department of Government at University College Cork. Reidy's research interests lie in the areas of electoral behaviour and political institutions. Recently, Reidy was leading a comparative project on voter facilitation and engagement practices funded by the European Commission. Reidy has given expert evidence to parliamentary committees, the Constitutional Convention of Ireland and the Citizens’ Assembly of Ireland is also a regular contributor to national and international media. Reidy has also been involved in electoral monitoring around the world.

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